Coalition Spotlight: PAAC
This month we are spotlighting the Peer Advocate Advisory Council (PAAC), a youth tobacco prevention coalition under Santa Clara County Office of Education. Their coalition consists of 20 high school students across Santa Clara County. PAAC engages in advocacy and awareness projects, from workshops at conferences to social media campaigns, to address tobacco and vape use amongst teens in the community.
Recent Projects
Teens Tackle Tobacco Conference Presentations
PAAC Resource Fair
Santa Clara County PSA Contest.
If you wish to learn more about PAAC or connect check out their instagram @paac_sccoe or visit their website.
Youth Quest Recap: Voices of Advocacy
In March, PAAC joined us in Sacramento for the annual Youth Quest event. Let’s hear the voice of advocates from PAAC!
What motivates you to advocate for tobacco prevention?
Asking the legislative aid some really fun questions, like what is your favorite ice cream flavor, and what show are you bingeing right now!
Practicing to talk to the legislator
Marching on the Capitol with so many other youth advocates.
One word descriptions of your experience at Youth Quest: