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Educational Materials

Thank you for your interest in receiving educational materials to support your tobacco-free efforts. Depending on availability, materials may be available at no cost to tobacco-free advocates currently working on tobacco prevention and cessation efforts with:

  • Youth in California

  • California Colleges, Universities, and Vocational Schools

Many materials are also available at low or no cost through the Tobacco Education Clearinghouse of California (TECC) or the Kick it California.

Digital Media Campaigns

Click into an image to see the whole campaign. From there, use the Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest Icons to share it.

Posting Tips: When using these images on social media, include a link to a quit resource such as or and use hashtags like #QuitVaping #VapeFree #TobaccoFree #TobaccoQuitTips #VapingQuitTip #LiveTobaccoFree

New Resource: Best Practices for Crafting Social Media Messages to Support Youth and Young Adult Cessation.

Digital Media Videos

New Social Media Campaign for Youth and Young Adults.

CYAN has released a new video campaign to motivate and support quitting. All ten campaign videos can be viewed and downloaded here.

Resources by Audience

Youth Engagement

Youth Engagement

Tools and resources supporting youth leadership in policy, system, and environmental change work can be viewed and downloaded from the Youth Program page.

K-12 Schools

k-12 Resources

New resources help K-12 schools address youth vaping and promote tobacco/nicotine awareness. Includes handling guidance, vape detector considerations, and prevention activity calendar.

Colleges & Universities

College Tools such as this can be viewed and downloaded from our site.

Resources and materials designed to advance smoke and tobacco-free campus initiatives can be viewed and downloaded from our site.